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Contact for Attendance

  • OCSD Students
  • OCSD Students
  • OCSD Students
  • OCSD Students

To report OHS student absences, please phone (315) 363-6901, Option #1.

Student Attendance and Tardiness

Strong work habits, reliability, and responsibility are developed in adolescence and are characteristics necessary for success in college and in the working world. We will be monitoring attendance and punctuality very closely and appreciate parents' support in making sure their children are in school and on time.

If your child will be absent from school or tardy to school you will need to call the attendance office at 363-6901, option 1. You will also need to follow that phone call up with a written note or e-mail. The attendance e-mail address is .

If your child needs to be excused early from school for an appointment, please send a written note to school with your child and have them bring it to the attendance office at the very beginning of school to obtain a pass to be excused. If there is an emergency or unexpected appointment and you will need your child released early, contact the Attendance Office prior to coming to the school and as far in advance as possible, if circumstances will allow, by telephone (315-363-6901, option 1) or e-mail ( .

If you will be picking your child up to go to an appointment, or dropping them off after an appointment, you may do that in the front circle between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 1:45 p.m. If it will be at any other time, then you will have to use the student parking lot.