Animated, movies, quizzes, experiments, timelines, & activity pages in math, science, social studies,English, technology,arts, music & health (Need passwords to access in school.)
Collection of periodicals and reference supporting the education field, including full-text titles from the ERIC database.
Snap Media Resources: Streaming, DVD, & VHS video resources and print resources to order from BOCES. Streaming video from: PBS Learning Media, Learn 360, Films on Demand, Human Relations Media and BioMedia Associates.
World-wide library catalog and Education Resources Information Center (ERIC). Need passwords at school.
Legally and instantly play movies and documentaries inside the classroom or assign to students outside the classroom. Teacher access only; Share the direct movie link on your classroom for students to view.
Streaming video, audio, websites & teacher guides for teaching books
Click on any book to access it through the library catalog and read the summary, check the book's availability and find the call number.